Medication Administration (From the Student Handbook)
Parents are encouraged to administer prescription and non-prescription medication at home whenever possible. The Armstrong School District recognizes that some students would be unable to attend without receiving medication during the school day. Therefore, the school district will permit the administration of prescription and nonprescription medication during the school day in accordance with the following procedures:
- Written orders from a licensed health care provider must be obtained and should include the name of the medication, dosage, route of administration, the time interval the medication is to be taken, potential serious reaction or side effects and emergency response.
- The parent/guardian of the student must request in writing that the school district comply with the medication order.
- Medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian or designated adult. It must be in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or licensed health care provider. Students are not permitted to transport medication to/from school. Only select emergency medications are permitted to be carried by the student with written permission from the physician and parent/guardian.
- All medications will be stored in the nurse’s office in a locked cabinet or refrigerator without food in the school. Narcotics will be stored under double lock.
- The school nurse is responsible for ensuring that:
a) the administration of medication is properly documented;
b) therapeutic benefits and side-effects are monitored; and
c) appropriate information is communicated to parents, licensed health care providers and school staff - Self-managed administration of medications must be evaluated individually by the school nurse (for example: asthma inhalers, epinephrine, and insulin). Written direction for such exceptions must be obtained from the licensed health care provider, as well as written permission from the parent.
- In cases where the medication or procedure is for an emergency condition (i.e.. seizure, asthma attack, allergic condition) and the school nurse is not immediately available, the designee of the school nurse is permitted by this policy, when trained by the school nurse, to administer the medication following the written instructions from the physician.
For a medication order form to be filled out by your child's doctor please browse to Forms to Download and print the Medication Administration Consent and Licensed Prescriber Order Form