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Program Overview
The Armstrong School District Office of Human Resources provides support to administrative, professional and support employees throughout the school system. The Office of Human Resources assumes specific duties in the following areas: recruitment, selection and hiring of all district personnel; compensation; fringe benefits; contract negotiations; labor contract management; federal and state laws; policies and administrative guidelines; personnel record maintenance; employee evaluations and discipline; budget development; and coordination of staff development programs.
The Office of Human Resources consistently strives for excellence by working to improve services to over 650 employees district-wide. The Office is customer-oriented and continually demonstrates an effort to enhance the quality of services for employees.

Questions regarding employment opportunities or specific questions about personnel policies or procedures may be directed to the Office of Human Resources at 724-548-6057 or 724-548-6058.

For information regarding the application process to the Armstrong School District, see the links to the right.
The Armstrong School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap in its activities, programs, including admissions, or employment practices in accordance with Federal and Statue statues and regulations.  Inquiries may be directed to the Armstrong School District's Title IX Coordinator, Samuel Kirk at 181 Heritage Park Drive, Suite 2, Kittanning, PA  16201, (724) 548-6038, [email protected] 
For information regarding civil rights, grievance procedures, services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact the Office of Human Resources, Title IX and 504 Coordinator, 181 Heritage Park Dr., Suite 2, Kittanning, PA  16201-7205, telephone:
Dori Bachar, Human Resources Manager 724-548-6058 and/or Lisa Franklin, Human Resources 724-548-6057