Title IX Regulations » Title IX Regulations & Harassment Complaint Procedures

Title IX Regulations & Harassment Complaint Procedures

Title IX Regulations

As part of our mission to graduate responsible, morally centered people who are prepared educationally and socially to achieve, it is our responsibility to continually develop an organizational culture that is respectful and inclusive of all students and staff.

On May 19, 2020, the U.S. Secretary of Education amended the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual orientation, including peer-to-peer sexual harassment and sexual violence. The new regulations took effect on August 14, 2020. The district updated policies to reflect changes in the new regulations. The district identified specific roles and individuals within the investigatory process, increased training for investigatory staff, and required the district to post certain information prominently on this website.

The following roles are assigned:

Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer*

Mr. Samuel J Kirk Jr., Director of Finance & Operations

[email protected]


181 Heritage Park Drive, Suite 2, Kittanning, PA 16201


Investigators and Decision Makers*

Dr. Joshua Williams, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education

[email protected]


181 Heritage Park Drive, Suite 2, Kittanning, PA 16201

Dr. Charles Kreinbucher, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education

[email protected]


181 Heritage Park Drive, Suite 2, Kittanning, PA 16201

*When the school or district learns that someone is alleged to be the victim of sexual harassment, the Title IX coordinator will immediately contact Mr. Lee Price, Solicitor, Andrews and Price LLC, to ensure regulatory and procedural compliance. Based on the building level associated with the allegation, the roles of investigator and decision-maker will be assigned. By regulation, these are separate roles. For example, Dr. Kreinbucher may be assigned as an investigator for elementary-level complaints. Dr. Williams would serve as the decision maker.


Updated Regulations


  • ASD updated policies to reflect the new regulations and the updated investigatory procedures. Initial training and regulatory information have been posted on the website and were provided via the Office for Civil Rights webinars on New Title IX Protections (May 8, 2020, and July 7, 2020). As training materials become available, the district will post them to the ASD website when complete.

Title IX requirements must be followed, and a school must respond appropriately when a school has actual notice of sexual harassment that occurs in a school’s program or activity. Students and parents should immediately report allegations of sexual harassment or harassment to the Title IX coordinator.  


Definitions of Sexual Harassment

      1. Any instance of “Quid Pro Quo” harassment by a school employee (i.e., unwelcome sexual harassment associated with some form of aid or benefit)
      2. Any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that a reasonable person would find to be so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s educational program or activity
      3. Any instance of “Sexual assault,” “dating violence,” “domestic violence,” or “stalking” as those terms are defined under other Federal laws called the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act

All employees must sign and submit the annual Employee Code of Ethics and Podcast Acknowledgement form. The annual Student Code of Conduct sign-off form is now managed through Skyward.



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