ASD Application Process & Clearance Forms
Clearances – Overview
(Original Clearances and Fingerprint Registration Number are to be submitted to Human Resources)
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check (certificate will be provided during this process)
Fee: $22.00
Fee: Notarized Criminal History Record Check will increase to $27.00
The Pennsylvania State Police has established a web-based computer application called “Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History” or PATCH. Using this system, a requestor can apply for a criminal background check on an individual. Eighty percent of the time, “No Record” certificates are returned immediately through the Internet to the requestor.
The information provided by the requestor will be checked against the criminal history database maintained by the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository. If the subject’s information does not hit on any information in the database, the requestor will receive the results instantly over the Internet and the requestor can print out the “No Record” certificate.
If the subject’s information hits on something in the database, the requestor receives an immediate” Request Under Review” response. A request under review response does not necessarily mean that the individual has a record. At this point the information is manually reviewed. After the review the status will be updated to “No Record” or “Record”. The requestor should check the PATCH website periodically for an updated status to their request. For all “No Record”, responses will be mailed to the requestor at the address provided by the requestor. It may take up to two weeks for the status to be updated from a “Request Under Review” to a “No Record” or “Record”.
Individuals are considered non-registered users. They will not be accepted as registered users. Non-registered users log onto Click “Submit a New Record Check” under credit card users.
PA Child Abuse History Clearance Report (certificate will be email to you in approx. 2 weeks)
Fee: $13.00
Effective December 31, 2014, the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance application can be submitted online. Once you enter the link you will be directed to the Child Welfare Portal where you must create an account or log in if you already have an account. Note: you will need an email address to create an account.
Creating an account and submitting your clearance application online will give you immediate access to your results or the status of your results if your results cannot be processed immediately.
Obtain form from the site and mail to the Department of Public Welfare.
PURPOSE OF CLEARANCE: Mark the box “School Employee”
Act 114 Federal Criminal History (Fingerprinting) (Please be sure to send your UEID number to HR)
Phone: 1-844-321-2101
Fee: $25.25; All applicants will now receive an unofficial copy of their report. Fee is payable to IDEMIA.
Registration is required in order to have fingerprints taken.
- Go to IDEMIA’s website:
- Enter Service Code “1KG6XN”
- Press Continue
- Select Schedule or Manager Appointment
- Enter Name, Birthdate, Email and Phone number
- Create a Security Question and Answer (notate for future reference)
- Enter Citizenship Information
- Enter answers to Personal Questions
- Enter Personal Information
- Enter Address
- Choose Document that you will bring with you for ID
- Select Location
- Schedule Appointment
- Submit Registration
- Print Confirmation
- Payment is processed when prints are taken
- Provide UEID to employer once prints have been processed
Please print and forward the certificate acquired at the end of the training.
ACT 126 – Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Act (Print certificate at completion of training)
Mandated Reporter Training. It is an approximate three hour free online training found at