Staff » Professional Development 2023-2024

Professional Development 2023-2024

We will be moving to a simplified version of forms on the Comply platform for professional development hour submission. These will include the following:


1. Act 48 Only

2. Act 48 and Flex

3. Flex Only




Introductory Guide to Comply


Before submitting a form, you will need to determine what hours you are seeking credit for (i.e. Act 48 Only, Act 48 and Flex, Flex Only). This chart may be used to assist in that process in addition to information on Act 48 requirements.


Professional develompent for scheduled Act 80 and Inservice days will be submitted through admin offices of your building these include full days and two hour professional development days. Flex hours cannot be earned on these days.


MEDBRIDGE is available for appropriate personnel to provide flex inservice hour professional development options. MEDBRIDGE certificates or other non-district sponsored professional development choices for these personnel should be submitted via the Your Choice Menu options noted under Option 4 below.



Spring Flex PD Options for Classroom Teachers:

Option 1: Required Menu

PDE required training at various intervals.  Depending on when you last took these trainings, you may or may not need to complete them this school year. 


NOTE: If you need to complete this training, it has been assigned to you and will be found in Comply under the “My Compliance Items” menu at the left of the screen after logging in.

  • ACT 126 Mandatory training on child abuse recognition (3 hrs)
  • ACT 71 Suicide awareness/prevention training (4 hrs)

These professional development items within Comply have integrated links for available online training resources to complete them.

NOTE: if your ACT 126 and ACT 171 training is current, these hours may be used under other options at your choosing.


Option 2: Technology Menu


These training sessions were developed and will be conducted by ASD Instructional Technology Coaches.  The sessions were created based on teacher feedback, and will include the following:

      • Attendance will be taken for each session and a list of attendees will be sent to the Human Resource Department.
      • Within Comply a compliance item will be assigned to the attendee and a reminder email will be sent when it is available.
      • Access the Comply Compliance item to obtain credit by completing the Professional Development Feedback Questionnaire.
2. Select "My Compliance Items" from the menu on the left.
3. Locate the training that you attended, IE. "FLEX Hours - Nearpod Training Session - September 12, 2022"
4. Complete the required questionnaire and submit.
  • 1 hr of technology professional development may be used for lesson design time.  Teachers that participate in one or more follow up follow-up tech training sessions with our tech coaches on the content platforms listed above may choose to use 1 hr of design time on their own.   

      • The form for submission under this option the Post Technology Training Session Lesson Plan Submission for Flex Hours
  • EXAMPLE: you may attend the initial Techxploration training session (1 hr).  In the following weeks, you may elect to attend the training sessions on Kahoot (1hr) and Nearpod (1 hr) offered by our tech coaches. It would be your option to complete the FLEX Hours Post Technology Training Session Lesson Plan Submission form (1 hr) for lessons that incorporate Kahoot and Nearpod. If completed for both, this would comprise 5 total FLEX hours.

Option 3: Department/Team Menu

Department heads are expected to work with their department members and administrators including building principals to establish planned use of this time.  These activities may include the following:

  • Targeted professional development selected by dept. members

  • Curriculum review and writing

  • Dept. mtg/co-planning

  • Several members of a department working as a team on one or more of these topics 

  • Other as approved

When these activities are being completed outside of a regularly scheduled school, inservice, or Act 80 day including the two hour professional development days, all participants need to complete and submit the Act 48 and Flex form along with its associated questionnaire.


When these activities are being completed on a scheduled inservice or Act 80 day including the two hour professional development days, Act 48 hours will be submitted by the building admin office. These events will be arranged prior to the day through communication between participants and the building principal.  Event attendance lists and descriptions will be collected and entered in the building admin office for ACT 48 Hour submission manually as they have been in past years. 


Request submissions using the previous form whether completed or pending, FLEX HOURS AND ACT 48 Approval for DEPARTMENT/TEAM MENU Professional Development are still visible and available for completion.  

Option 4: Your Choice Menu

  • These events should be submitted using the Flex Only form or the Act 48 and Flex form (if the provider will not be submitting Act 48 hours on your behalf.)
    • Please be careful in your submissions. EdWeb prints directly on the certificate that it will be submitting the hours to PERMS (the PA state recording system for Act 48 hrs.) These mistakes can result in duplicate records for Act 48 hour accounting.
    • You can check your Act 48 hour accounting via the link to PERMS in Comply or on the PERMS system here