Parents/Students » Homeless Information

Homeless Information

ASD guarantees all homeless children and youth a free and appropriate public education. Homeless children and youth include those living with or without their parents in a shelter (temporary family shelter, domestic violence shelter, runaway shelter, transitional housing, hotel or motel, campground, car or on the street). Also included are those children and youth temporarily living with relatives or friends (with or without their parents) because they do not have a fixed, regular, safe, or adequate place of residence.

Questions contact:
Mr. Brad Bowser 
Homeless and Foster Liaison 
724-543-1121 ext. 4


"Finding Your Way in PA is a Pennsylvania based mobile and desktop app designed to share services, resources, and information with young people and families, particularly those experiencing homelessness. While using the app, users can search for and request assistance with services and resources in their current location, local communities, and throughout PA to connect them with helpful supports.

The Finding Your Way in PA app is supported through the American Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Program. This program provides homeless children and youth with wrap-around services and enables homeless children and youth to attend school and fully participate in school activities. The Finding Your Way in PA app supports educational stability and strives to foster positive education outcomes so that students and families experiencing housing instability can succeed in school, work, and life." 

Region 6 Resources
Homelessness Dispute Letter